Client from Gladesville

I'd been fairly active in my younger days & despite my lack of exercise in recent years, I'd never considered my lifestyle choices would catch up to me.
Before joining Vision, I'd ended up with debilitating back pain, I was overweight, feeling depressed, very poor health & felt much older than my years.
It was a spur of the moment decision to visit Vision Gladesville. With nothing to lose, I joined up & started a new life.
I had the good fortune of having Isabelle Myers as my trainer. She, along with the rest of the team, have been amazing. Their support & encouragement has been the difference between just turning up to training to achieving goals I never thought possible.
What started out as just wanting to get fitter has ended up changing every aspect of my life. Understanding my diet. Being accountable for my health. Taking on challenges. Changing how I perceive myself. The most surprising, how others see me now.
Keeping it fresh & keeping up the enthusiasm has been difficult. I'm now in unchartered waters. I've already exceeded all my expectations. So now my goal is simple, to be the best I possibly can. To see what else I can achieve, and that's pretty exciting.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Gladesville Success Stories

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