Client from Gladesville


All my life I have had problems with my bone structure, especially my legs which seem to have a will of their own, causing many falls and breakages. No matter how many gyms, diets and even operations, nothing seemed to work. Then my Chiropractor suggested I give Vision Personal Training a chance, and this turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
The team at Vision Gladesville encouraged me through training 3 times a week, with humour and dedication, never letting me get away with having an easy session, and it shows, as I have not only lost weight and a dress size, but my legs have gained a strength that has enabled me to enjoy all that I do, especially the holidays, climbing the Great Wall of China, Walking with the Lions in Zimbabwe and exploring the beautiful Kimberley's are just a few of the unforgettable experiences.
Never say never, Vision Personal Training has changed my life, no doubt about that.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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Christine O'Neill
GladesvilleLost 15kg, Dropped 22% BodyFat, Completed Mothers Day 6km Run & Blackmores 9km Run!

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