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Teamwork Makes Your Dream Work

Discover the power of teamwork and achieving your goals together
By Ruby McMullen, PT Trainer at Mona Vale published July 26, 2024

You've heard it all before: "There's no 'I' in 'team'," "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link," and "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." These sayings emphasize the importance of having a supportive team to achieve our goals.

The Importance of a Supportive Team

On a superficial level, we can all acknowledge that having help from those around us—having a team to support us—increases the likelihood of achieving the goals we set. Each of us has limited physical, mental, and emotional capacity. But with a supportive team, we can strive towards almost any dream.

The Essential Caveat

However, there's a caveat: Each player on the team, each member of the support network, can only do their job if they know what the goal is. We can have the most loving and caring family and friends imaginable, but if they don't know our dreams and aspirations, how can they support us in achieving them?

Communicate Your Goals

It is crucial that the people around you know what you are trying to achieve so they have the best chance of helping you get there. For some, this raises questions and doubts:

  • "What if my friends don't want me to change?"
  • "What if my family doesn't want to accommodate my new habits and routines?"

Overcoming Resistance

There will always be a chance that your loved ones might initially resist your potential growth. However, this chance is much smaller than it seems inside your head. Even if they seem resistant at first, over time, they will almost certainly become your biggest supporters and fans. They just might not be able to see your vision as clearly as you do yet.

Share Your Vision

So share your vision with them, each and every day. Help them understand what you want to achieve and how you plan on achieving it. Let them know how they can be the best teammates for you. Over time, little by little, watch the teamwork make your dream work.

By effectively communicating your goals and aspirations, you can create a strong support network that will help you achieve your dreams. Remember, the journey to success is always easier and more fulfilling when you have a team by your side.

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