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How to Stay on Track over the Festive Season

Here at Vision Personal Training, we know the holidays can present challenges. Let our experts show you how to stay on track over the festive season.
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Ruby McMullen at Mona Vale published November 27, 2019
last updated August 7, 2021

Silly season is upon us. This is the time of year where we want to let go have a few drinks and enjoy that extra bit of yummy food with our loved ones. It is also that time of the year you may not make that morning gym session you had planned and next thing you know you have stacked on an extra 1-5kg.  The good news is we don't have to self-sabotage our goals- we can implement a few simple concepts that ensure we stay on track while enjoying this special time of year.

Strong goals                  

SET GOALS. Do not just put your goals on the back burner because it is holiday season. Take some time to sit down and write out your goals. Where do you want to be in the next few weeks, months or even years? If you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve you will be much less likely to just throw in the towel. Write it out, make a vision board and stick it up somewhere you will see it every day to remind you of your WHY. It is crucial that you are realistic- maybe it's not the time of year where you should try drop those last kg but rather focus on maintaining and hitting it hard in the New Year.  It may be a good idea to sit down with your trainer for a goal session and put a clear plan in place.

Be aware          

When it comes to your calorie intake and nutrition be aware of your consumption. I am not saying to sit down and try input every single thing you put in your mouth but be aware. If you know you are going to have dinner at a friend's place and don't know what you will be having maybe take a lighter approach during the day. Go for a lower calorie breakfast or even do an accelerator day before or after. That way you can still enjoy yourself while knowing you haven't completed spilled over on that carb tank.

If you are consuming alcohol go for a lower calorie option such as low carb beer, spirits with a sugar free mixture or soda. This is where a lot of calories can be avoided. A big feast mixed with full sugar alcohol, wine or beer is a guaranteed way to expand that waist line.

Get moving

How about you put that extra fuel to good use? Get moving! Schedule 30min to hit the gym and who knows you might hit a personal best? Get into the studio and attend an extra group session.

Involve your family and friends and get outdoors to mix it up. You could go hiking, kayaking, long walk/run, paddle boarding, the activities are endless! That way you have the best of both worlds- having fun with your loved ones while staying active and on track to a killer 2020!

Prepare and Plan ahead

It is as simple as just being organised! Set some time a side to plan- do you need to meal prep if you will be short on time to prevent you grabbing something ''easy''. Make sure you have healthy options that are easily accessible to stop you binging on things that will negatively impact your goals. Set aside time for your gym sessions, plan a couple of daily food diaries so it is ready to go, do a healthy grocery shop, these little things will set you up for success.


At the end of the day have fun and focus on what truly matters which is spending time with those special people around you. Balance is key and there is no reason we can't enjoy this amazing time of the year without forgetting about our goals.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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