How many times have you started a fitness goal, work assignment, or personal project, full of gusto and enthusiasm only to quickly lose ‘motivation’ and see that goal fall to the wayside?
Well don’t fret, you’re not alone in this cycle of feeling motivated towards a goal, starting strong, and then eventually slipping until the goal is a forgotten dream.
So how do we overcome this cycle and stay on track with our goals, and in particular our health and fitness goals such as fat loss goals, running goals, strength goals, nutrition goals, etc.?
It’s simple, forget motivation – it doesn’t exist! Well, maybe it exists for about 30mins after setting an exciting goal, or perhaps a few days at maximum. But what happens after it’s gone?
The actual formula for success is not motivation, it’s DISCIPLINE. Yep, boring old discipline. The discipline to execute your daily, weekly, monthly action plan that will bring you closer to your goals.
The motivation will be gone, but the discipline to carry out your daily tasks regardless of if you want to or not each day will take you a step closer to your goals. The day will then arrive when you achieve your goals, and the satisfaction of that goal achievement will ‘motivate’ you to continue on your journey of ongoing goal setting and personal growth.
Now the best way to stay disciplined is to establish daily and weekly HABITS that you can consistently execute. Once a habit is formed it’s easier to complete each day and your goal achievement success rate will double at the least.
The second area to help you remained disciplined is to establish WHY you want to achieve a goal and remind yourself daily of that ‘WHY’. This will reinforce the importance of those daily habits and hopefully give you that kick in the bum on days you feel flat.
For more help with your health, goal setting, and habit building, reach out to the team here at Vision Mona Vale.
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