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Debra Kirwan

Lost 19kgs and has her health and happiness back!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Drummoyne

Before Debra Kirwan (before)
After Debra Kirwan (after)

This success story is one that I write and publish with great happiness but also sadness. Deb has become a rock in the Studio - someone who will chat to anyone, share stories or boxing gloves with anyone, run alongside or cuddle who ever needs it. She has had amazing success (just look at the photos!) during her time at Vision but when she entered Australia 3 years ago this is how she looked and felt (see before photo). Now she leaves us to return to her family and friends in the UK after 3 years on Australian shores and she goes back healthier, happier and more vibrant than ever. Read on to find out a little more about her through her own words..

My Vision journey started in June 2013. Physically I was reasonably fit and quite strong but I was overweight and had started to develop high blood pressure. This caused me some anxiety and concern because my family have a history of high blood pressure and I did not want to be reliant on drugs for the rest of my life.

Having experienced a number of gyms which focused on exercise, I found the dietary advice and Vision Virtual Training really useful in providing me with the discipline to lose weight as well as get fitter.

Before going to Vision I never had confidence to enter running events. My Personal Trainer and all the team at Vision Drummoyne have motivated me to successfully enter and complete two half marathons and seven 10k runs. The training has given me confidence, my blood pressure is normal and with the loss in weight, I feel more energised and interested in my health and well being.

Vision Drummoyne are a caring Studio who genuinely have your best interest at heart. They have a great team who want you to succeed and are motivated to achieve the best possible result for you as an individual. I couldn't have gone on this journey without you guys, you are " Simply the Best". (Love Tina!)

Thank you for blessing us with your presence Deb, the Studio will miss you and we all wish you the best of luck!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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