Client from Wollongong | Trainer: Kevin Tran

Before joining Vision, I thought I was exercising and eating relatively well but my weight just kept going up while my energy levels and motivation just kept going down. I was walking every morning, and had joined some online fitness programs, but the lack of accountability and encouragement meant it was easy to just give up when I did not see instant results. I was unhappy within myself, I avoided looking in the mirror and I had a wardrobe full of clothes that no longer fitted. I made constant excuses and had no motivation to make any changes to my lifestyle. Too busy, too tired, maybe tomorrow. I had a very busy work and home life and was not taking any time to look after myself.
Since joining Vision Personal Training I have been surprised at both the physical and emotional changes within myself. In the last 6 months I have changed my entire relationship with exercise and food. I have learnt so much about nutrition and have changed the way both I and my family eat. My energy levels have improved significantly and I look forward to my training sessions, most especially the strength and weights training. Who knew that exercise could be enjoyable and has now become a normal part of my day.
Six months at Vision and I have lost 13kgs which is fantastic, with the added benefit of being fitter and stronger with a positive mindset that I carry throughout my day. For me, the biggest benefits of my experience at Vision is the structure and support. My trainer Kevin has supported me throughout my journey, giving me a personalised training program and encouraging me to try things that I would have previously thought impossible. I now love doing weights, go to group classes whenever I can, and feel empowered and healthy. My decision to join Vision and take control of my life has been one of the best I have made. The support from the entire team at Vision Wollongong has allowed me to believe in myself and to move forward into a happier and healthier future. If you are looking for a better future for yourself, Vision Personal Training is a step in the right direction.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Wollongong Success Stories

Lauren Losurdo

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