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Johnathan Webb

Crossing the finish line of my first half marathon is a moment I will never forget!
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Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Hawthorn

Johnathan Webb (after)

1.Tell us about your life before joining Vision?

My life before Vision was good. I had an enjoyable life, fairly problem and hassle free. I did however think that I could have more energy and should be investing my time into my hobbies and interests.

After a short holiday from work, the first day back had me thinking about all of the things I should and could have done while I was off - eat better, exercise more etc.

This prompted me to get into action and to start making changes.

I have always been interested in fitness and used to attend a studio and see a trainer but allowed things to get in the way.

As such, I stopped and found it hard to get the motivation to go back and focus on my fitness and overall wellbeing.


2. What results have you achieved at Vision?

Vision has seen me not only compete in my first ever half marathon but has also seen my fitness levels increase to the point of running the same distance once or twice a week regularly. This increase in my overall fitness levels has also allowed me to start focusing on my times for each run and getting them down. Seeing my results each week then spurs me on to want achieve even greater results.


3. What impact has Vision had on your life since achieving your amazing results?

Currently I feel excitement on my way home from work if I know I am going for a run. This makes my work day all the more bearable, knowing that I have something to look forward to.

I feel more comfortable in myself, having seen changes in my physical appearance, and colleagues have also commented on my attitude, how I seem more relaxed and happier day to day.

Vision has given me back a sense of pride in committing to myself, making positive changes and achieving great results.

As I find running to be a very personable experience, it is just you, your thoughts and the road, it is not ridiculous to say that Vision has also helped me get back in touch with myself. It must also be mentioned that the results are a combination of my efforts and the fantastic support offered by my trainer, Courtney.

Courtney has been amazing in offering both advice and support that has allowed me to stay focused on my goals and allowing me to achieve them.


4. What are some of the defining moments during your journey?

Crossing the finish line of my first half marathon is a moment I will never forget. The buzz, the adrenaline, it was a natural high that was indescribable.

It is also amazing to me how a distance that seemed so out of reach and actually invoked feelings of dread is something that I now look forward to and can easily complete.

Seeing the distance you run get longer and longer, or your times getting faster and faster is again motivation that spurs me on to wanting to achieve more.


5. What advice would you give someone who is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness

The Vision Team are obviously an essential part of my fitness journey and without the help and support I have received none of this would ever have been possible.

However, it is important to acknowledge that none of this would be possible without me either. What I am getting at is my advice would be that a change starts with you and you alone. Find what you enjoy! Not everyone likes running, for me I can't live without it! Once you have identified something use your trainer to help you achieve what it is you want.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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