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Kim Shipley

A new body and has inspired family and friends too!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Hawthorn

Before Kim Shipley (before)
After Kim Shipley (after)

* Tell us about your life before joining Vision?

Before I joined Vision I had tried many other ways of losing weight and getting fit over the years. I had tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Lite and Easy and I had joined various gyms over the years but nothing ever stayed with me for long. My weight fluctuated up and down (mostly up) and after having my children I just never got back to where I wanted to be. I always enjoyed walking and had tried a bit of personal training at the gym but somehow nothing ever changed. I seemed to spend all my time looking after everyone else and was feeling lethargic and lacking in energy. I think I was kidding myself that all was ok but realistically I was unhealthy and putting a strain on my body.

 * What results have you achieved at Vision?

The results I have achieved at Vision have been uplifting and life changing for me. I have lost over 21kg and am feeling so fit and happy. I had never been able to run before, and now I love going to run group on Saturdays and enjoy the regular 10k run events in Melbourne. The personal training sessions have helped me build my muscle strength consistently and the new knowledge I have gained about protein, carb and fat have totally changed the way I cook and eat. I have confidence that the changes I have made will be lifelong and, and it gives me confidence to know that I now have the knowledge and skills to continue being healthy for life.

 * What impact has Vision had on your life since achieving your amazing results?

The impact on my life has really been astounding! I feel so much healthier and it's like a weight off my shoulders to not be constantly thinking about how I look and how unfit and lazy I felt. I was always tired after work and just wanted to lie on the couch. Now I look forward to my variety of sessions at Vision, whether it's boxing, strength, extreme marines, run group, stretching or personal training, I love it all. Vision Hawthorn is like a little community where you come to know everyone and you always feel welcome as soon as you walk in the door. My trainer Alex has been patient and understanding with me right from the moment I first walked in the door. She has carefully considered my individual needs through my training program and has achieved excellent results in my fitness. I'm so grateful for all the time and attention she has given me, and so proud of the lifelong changes I have made.

* What are some of the defining moments during your journey?

As I gradually learnt more about diet and exercise, I came to realize that I wasn't doing everything wrong; I just needed to 'tweak' what I was doing and look at the changes as positive. I really don't miss the carb loaded, unhealthy food I was regularly eating as I now know that they were holding me back from achieving my goals. I have found healthy alternatives that I feel good about and really enjoy putting natural, healthy foods into my routine. Now, when I look at the before and after photos up on the wall at Vision, I can hardly believe the 'old' me is the same person. I have changed my life for the better in so many ways. Of course I wish I had done this earlier, but I don't waste time regretting anything, just look forward to the future!

* What advice would you give someone who is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness?

I couldn't recommend Vision Hawthorn more! The professional, knowledgeable, friendly trainers and community atmosphere are all part of the positive experience. There is such a variety of sessions and times that it becomes easy to fit it into your life. There is no pressure involved in the lifestyle and nutrition advice you receive, it just all seems to flow naturally and become part of your life. You will be surprised in the positive influence you have on those around you as well and how they will also start to take on aspects of your nutrition and healthy lifestyle. My advice is go for it - you won't regret it!

 *Individual results vary based on agreed goals.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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