Client from Drummoyne

Lorna Ash is a mum of 2 girls, both under the age of 7. She works full time and is a true Vision Success Story! Having battled with her weight for years, Lorna has finally mastered her nutrition and lifestyle, so much so that she was able to train and complete the Sydney Blackmores Marathon in September 2016! We sat her down for a quick interview and here's what she said:
What was the state of your health and fitness when you started at Vision Personal Training Drummoyne and what affect was this having on your life?
"I was a year post baby #2 and had done a pretty good job losing the baby weight on my own but still felt I wasn't the best version of me. Too reliant on sugar + caffeine to get through the day and I was anxious about going back to work full time and needed to find a way to spend less time at the gym but make it count for more."
What impact has your new health and fitness had on your life?
"I hold myself differently - I'm more confident at work and socially. I look at my body differently and think about what truly amazing things it has done rather than get hung up on the size of my jeans or the weight on the scales (though smaller jeans and losing weight has been a bonus too!). My sugar and caffeine intake is right down, although I still enjoy a cappuccino daily!"
What did you find was the most useful tool at Vision?
"Someone taking the 'thinking' away for me. They planned when and where I should be training (around my commitments) and what I should be doing to hit my goal. VVT (The food diary and exercise planning app) also gave me no excuses not to track/plan as my phone was always with me."
If you were to recommend Vision Personal Training Drummoyne to your friends and family members, what would you say?
"It's not all about weight loss. I've only really lost about 3-4kgs but I'm fitter than I ever have been, I've toned up and I'm now maintaining my weight loss whilst still striving for new goals. People always assume I'm training every day... of course I'm not.. I work full time and have a 6yr old and a 2yr old! Vision have just helped me ensure every training session counts. My training is 100% for me it's time to invest in myself. Of course it has benefited hubby, he now has a fit wife! The girls also get a great role model, but it's actually all about me - mums deserve to have that time!"
What an amazing story, congratulations Lorna and we can't wait to see what you achieve next!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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