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Martin Curnow

Lost 9.3kg
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Client from Darlinghurst

Before Martin Curnow (before)
After Martin Curnow (after)

Let's not call it a journey, let's call it an adventure. One very smart decision took me from pre-diabetic to post-jubilant. Three years of Lite n' Easy topped up with cheese, salami, wine and a disregard for exercise took me to 105 kgs and a grumpy disposition. That one-day-I'll-do-something-about-it attitude had been lost and replaced with a habit of lazy sofa melancholy.

A slim post Vision friend set me up on a date with Vision Studio: I changed everything and everything changed! The cheeriness and easy motivation from my trainer was amazing. The goals she mapped out were magically reached every time. It is like a science and science doesn't lie, it just works. I didn't go on a diet, I changed my eating habits; I didn't go on an alcohol fast, I changed my drinking habits; I didn't become a gym junkie I just changed my exercise habits.

So many small victories can create marvellous momentum, and Vision Personal Training supplies you with them; running on a treadmill where before you walked; blood pressure dropping; replacing mid-week drinking with green tea and loving it; the desire for comfort food snacking disappearing; aches and pains gone; and finally, the simple joy of fitting into your much loved and no longer warehoused clothes!

My stomach got smaller, my chest got bigger, my weight headed downwards. I was enchanted and determined and amazed… It really is simple and achievable.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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