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Peter Kennard

Lost 18kgs
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Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Darlinghurst

Peter Kennard (after)
I joined Vision in order to build up my knee strength after knee replacement surgery on both knees.   Physiotherapy had not resolved or improved the bending and flex I needed to train for long cycling holidays. 
The aim of joining Vision was to identify and strengthen the muscles and ligaments restricting movement, and work on general fitness and cardio.  My ultimate aim was to shed some weight to extend the long term life of my new knees.
Over six years with Vision I have increased fitness, improved upper body strength, strengthened the knees, and intentionally lost 18kg over the last 18 months.    Some people think I look thin and old, whereas others think I am lean and fit.  Whatever, I feel great and cycled some serious hills in Europe in 2017.
A controlled exercise program and good positive support from my PT's has kept me interested and focused, all resulting in good overall fitness and a pretty good Bioscan report.
I would recommend Vision to most people who need to lose weight or just address fitness for whatever reason, as most people need someone trained to implement and oversee a training regime, talk thru results and keep you focused, and encourage improvement.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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