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Richard Vander Reyden

Im swimming times I could only do 15-20 years ago
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Mona Vale

Before Richard Vander Reyden (before)
After Richard Vander Reyden (after)

My journey started with a health check at work where everything was normal except my blood pressure. I was told "we should really take you out of here in an ambulance". I then went to the doctor who decided to put me onto blood pressure medication.

I had been procrastinating for ages about joining the gym and so I went into Vision Personal Training Mona Vale. My initial goal was to lose some weight, get fitter and thus lower my blood pressure naturally so I could get off the medication. I have now lost about 12kg of fat and reduced my waistline by 23.5cm. Unfortunately I haven't quite achieved the goal of getting off the medication all together, but I am now on the lowest dose.

I have always been into swimming and even before joining Vision I was regularly swimming and training for swimming events. Since joining Vision and improving my strength and fitness, I am now swimming times I was swimming 15-20 years ago. My next goal is to swim at the World Masters Championships in Budapest 2017.

Thanks to my Trainer and the rest of the team at Vision, and everyone else who have given me the motivation to stay on this journey.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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