Client from Gymea
My Journey at Vision Gymea began in November 2009. At 48 years old I wasn't an overweight person but tipping the scales at 72 kilos, no exercise and poor eating habits, I was at a point in my life I needed a lifestyle change. I met with my trainer Darren McInnes at Vision Gymea early in 2010 and with this meeting it has created a bond and the day my life changed for the better. The guidance in the beginning I received not only with exercise/nutrition and how to maintain a healthy balance certainly encouraged me to keep bettering myself each day. The atmosphere and the friendly environment along with the team at Vision Gymea has certainly made it an easier journey along the way. I am now entering my eighth year and am still under the guidance of same trainer who took me under his wing many years ago and thanks to the commitment as a client and the support of his encouragement every day I am the strongest, fittest and happiest I have ever been. I would highly recommended Vision Personal Training Gymea to anyone.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Gymea Success Stories

Sue Stewart
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