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Wendy Spencer

I never thought I would love the gym!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from St Ives | Trainer: James Selke


Originally from the UK, I have been here in Australia for the past 16 years. Time seems to go very fast on this side of the world! I work part-time in a doctor’s surgery, I have 3 grown up children and I am a widow (although I now have Trevor in my life, who is also a Vision St Ives member).

I have always done some sort of exercise that usually involves a social aspect. For example, I play tennis, walk with my friends, etc… but never found myself going to the gym. I could find 100 reasons not to go, even though I knew the enormous benefits it would bring to me.

About 13 years ago a friend told me about Vision. The idea of having a dedicated trainer waiting for me to turn up was exactly what I needed and wanted. I didn’t have any goals initially. I was just excited that finally I was at the gym twice a week and no matter what, I was expected to turn up to my trainer.

What surprised me the most was how fast I noticed my strength increasing, and that in itself gave me the motivation to keep going. I also had in my trainer an encyclopedia of knowledge in regard to healthy eating and how muscles worked, which personally really interests me. I have developed a strong bond with my two trainers: James, who I have trained with for around 6-7 years, and Beth for just a few months. Their support and drive keeps me very motivated.

I have had various challenges over the last number of years which has meant I have had to stop training on and off on medical advice (such as a repeated detached retina). The support from the studio, and of course James, has been invaluable to me. I can now say I have turned from a reluctant gym goer to a bit of a gym junky. My current goals are to have arms like Nicole Kidman, which are coming, and a flatter stomach. I think that's likely to take a bit longer, but I don’t think Vision St Ives is going anywhere, so I know I will get there eventually!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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