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Cendra Tondera

Completed Ironman Triathlon
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Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Southport

Before Cendra Tondera (before)
After Cendra Tondera (after)

Cendra's story is one of legends around Vision Personal Training Southport.

Having completed her first Ironman Triathlon at Ironman Australia in May, Cendra's commitment and unflappable attitude has gained her many admirers.

Rewind back three years when Cendra first walked through the doors of VPT Southport, she had recently been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and was becoming ever more frustrated with her condition.  Determined not to let it beat her and master her own destiny, Cendra set the goal of running a marathon, just twelve weeks after beginning training at Vision.  With less knowledge around her sugar intake, insulin dosages and fitness, the initial period was full of trial and error.  As time passed, Cendra worked with us and her diabetes educator to learn more about nutrition, exercise and how to balance both to help her blood sugar levels.

After completing the 2016 Gold Coast Marathon, Cendra set about steadily increasing her fitness and pushing the boundaries.  Working with her trainer Jack, they decided to start training for a triathlon.  She entered her first Enticer distance Triathlon late 2017 with a fear of the water and no experience cycling.  The first triathlon was definitely a learning curve!

As always though with Cendra, her quiet determination shone through as she kept persisting with constant improvement and a massive smile on her face.

Fast forward to late 2018 where Cendra decided three marathons, multiple sprint and olympic distance triathlons, plus a half ironman; just wasn't enough.  She set the goal for her first full Ironman Triathlon: that's 3.8km swimming, 180km cycling and a full 42.2km marathon to finish!  

Considering just the fuelling and insulin requirements for a type 1 diabetic is hard enough, let alone the training requirement! Cendra and Jack sat down and planned out 6 months building up to the big day!

We are so proud to be able to say the words: Cendra Tondera, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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