Client from Southport
Drew came to the Vision Personal Training Southport needing a change. Working in a hospital environment, he saw too many people whose weight was becoming a major health issue and he decided he didn't want to join those people suffering from type 2 diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure.
He hit the ground running, being immaculate with his food diary and a regular to Group Training sessions. This has lead to Drew losing 15kg and completely transforming his lifestyle for the better.
Working within the hospital environment, Drew's roster constantly rotates and he struggles to find consistent routine. But he has overcome these obstacles and has learnt to structure his healthy and eating and exercise patterns around work. Since his weight loss he has shifted his focus to getting stronger and adding some shape to his body, along with competing in the Gold Coast Half Marathon. Well done mate!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Southport Success Stories
Des Kleidon
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