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Tina Franken

Maintaining over 40kgs of weight loss for 4 years.
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Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Rose Bay | Trainer: Benny Russell

Before Tina-Before
After Tina-After

Tina joined Vision in 2018 with the intention of improving her fitness before an overseas trip. She didn’t want to concentrate on losing weight as she had failed so many times before. Slowly working on her fitness and making gradual changes to her nutrition Tina was able to lose over 50kgs in her first year with Vision.

Through lockdowns,. travel and enjoying a new busy social life Tina is managing to maintain the majority of her enormous weight loss. She is now more relaxed about her weight and is enjoying exercise for the first time in her life.

Tina’s aim for 2023 is to lose a further 5kgs and knows she has the tools to do it when she’s ready.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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