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Debbie Golden

38kg weight loss!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Bangor

Before Debbie Golden (before)
After Debbie Golden (after)

I have lost a total of 38kgs and with that huge loss, I have had massive gains.  The gains I am talking about are an increase in my confidence, I no longer look for excuses not to attend work or social functions because I have nothing to wear that looks good on me, in fact I can't wait to hit the shops and find a new outfit.  I eat more now than I ever had and I now realise you don't have to starve to lose weight.  I can now stand longer than 15 min without back pain, I can get out of bed in the mornings without wondering how I am going to get through the day with the pain in my lower back and legs.  I can now walk up and down stairs without my knees hurting and I am not being hospitalised with pneumonia anymore because off unhealthy living.

I am now so full of energy, I just love getting out of bed everyday pain free and at 47 I am fitter and stronger than I ever have been. I absolutely love being challenged, unlike before when I hated something simple like walking around the block.  I cannot believe how easy it was with Vision to learn how to eat properly and exercise safely even with the injuries I had.  I cannot believe it took me so long to finally start looking after myself and throw away the excuses, like I have no time because I work full time, my husband is always away with work, I have children, etc. etc. I now know that there is always time to find a stronger more healthier you and that it's not about being the fastest runner or strongest person, it's all about being the best person you can be to get the most out of life physically and mentally.  I don't sit on the sidelines anymore and watch, I now get involved and I can't tell you how uplifting that is after being on the bigger side for so many years.

I now have new goals and I'm enjoying at working towards them with the help of my trainer and the other trainers in the studio and as much as I know these goals are part of my own individual journey here at Vision, I also love the support and help from other clients and it's a joy to see them reach their goals.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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