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Maxine Brannelly

I am 15kg down, I have dropped 2 dress sizes, and the weight loss has been a massive benefit to my injured knee!
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Client from Bangor | Trainer: Jack Caffyn

Before Alicia_Bangor_Before
After Alicia_Bangor Client Success

I began my journey with Vision Bangor after a fall from my bike, fracturing my leg and tearing ligaments in my knee. My motivation was low, I was struggling with my self-image and felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I was unable to prioritise my health and would make excuses about exercising. I was struggling with my diet and overeating.

Initially, I was very nervous, as this was the first time I had set foot in a gym. Weights, personal training and tracking my food were all new to me. Fast forward 4 months, I have made significant changes to my body composition and improved my health risks. I am 15kg down and have reached my goal weight well ahead of what I had expected. I have dropped 2 dress sizes. The weight loss has been a massive benefit to my injured knee and has boosted my energy levels and self-confidence. This would not have been possible without the incredible guidance and support of my personal trainer, Jack C. He has pushed me to achieve things I never thought possible, has been very supportive and always encouraging me to achieve my goals. Could not have achieved my goals without his guidance.

I truly believe that the Vision process works. I have attended all seminars, which have been very beneficial in helping me achieve my goals. Tracking my food and setting myself a training schedule have helped me to remain consistent and on target. I have increased my weight sessions and my daily steps to 20,000. Boxing classes have been added to my schedule, which are a lot of fun. Consistency has been the key to my success.

To all my other gym junkies, newfound friends and trainers, I would like to thank you all for making my experience fun, while improving my strength and fitness. I have found my old self again. I only wish I had done this a long time ago. Now to take on my kids in a half marathon!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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