Client from Bangor
By the end of 2012, having nursed my late husband through terminal illness, my weight had ballooned and I knew I had to take some radical action to reclaim a healthy and sustainable lifestyle - 'now or never'.
I was struggling to perform routine jobs without being out of breath, and I was fed up with being unfit and unmotivated. I was too young to stop doing the things I wanted to do and too young to stop living life to the fullest. I knew enough about myself to recognise that I needed someone to drive my accountability.
I decided to give myself the ultimate birthday present and joined Vision Personal Training Bnagor on my 52nd birthday in January 2013, and it was a decision that has changed my life.
I have now shed a total of 18kg. My blood pressure has returned to normal and I am fitter than I have been in 15 years. My GP is delighted.
Last year I completed my second Sutherland to Surf, which is something I never thought I would do and have returned to playing club competition golf every week with good results!
I've travelled extensively both privately and work-related in the last 2 years, and my running shoes travel everywhere with me!
I will marry again in a few weeks and my life has changed irrevocably for the better and I couldn't be happier
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Bangor Success Stories

Maxine Brannelly

Wendy Harrison

Chris Bruce

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